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#LetItGo in 2019 - Welcome #2020Vision

Writer's picture: Cheryl StablerCheryl Stabler

Open Letter #LetItGo in 2019 and Welcoming #2020Vision

Dear UnshakeableWoman,

Thank you for joining us, during the month of December 2019, launching this #newpodcast, as a precursor to my next book, “The Unshakeable Woman”... Through the Fire.

2019 was an ever evolving year, with many lessons, challenges and grateful moments. This past summer, while conquering yet another major ‘new’ challenge in my life, I was reminded of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, a biblical story from the Book of Daniel. In summary, the three Hebrew men were thrown into a furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar and refused to bow down to him. While the King looked into the fire-filled furnace, he witnesses four men, and not three. The men, were protected and with God, while in the fire. Hence, the UnshakeableWoman.

Over the past decade, I’ve experienced major trials and lessons. During the past year, I decided to ask women to share their stories of “triumph”, to motivate other women “walking through” their fires.

We were designed to serve each other. We were designed to #tellyourstory.

For the last show in 2019, I will share my (5) five favorite tips for working towards being an UNSHAKEABLEWOMAN in 2019. To listen to the last show of 2019, click on the following link:

Listen to the last episode of my podcast for 2019: 015 Last Episode of 2019 - Let it Go! 5 Steps to UNSHAKEABLE!

The stories shared over the past month have been healing to a number of new listeners and have been ministry for me. I am both overwhelmed and grateful for the opportunity to share each story. Each woman profiled in December of 2019 have experienced triumph, after finding strength to overcome difficult situations. Each story personal. Each story healing. Thank you to the following women for sharing their heart, during our launch month:

- Chela: @officialchelamusic

- Cheryl Brown: @beyoutifulmonarch

- Dr. Deena: @drdeenaspeaks

- Arisha Spivey: @arishaspivey

- Bethlehem Awate: @bethlehemawate

- Classic Cauley: @classicCPR

- Auti Angel: @autiangel

- Fila Williams: @mscheffila

As a woman music manager, I LOVE MUSIC! The song that I’ve played consistently over the year, is by my friend Damita Chandler. A gifted woman of ministry, an encourager and a strong cancer survivor. On Wednesdays, I profile #womeninmusic. December 2019, the podcast showcased the following artists and their music:

- Tiffany Bynoe: @tiffanybynoeME

- Kenya: @KenyaMJMusic

- Damita: @officialdamita

Today, we feature: "No Looking Back" by Damita Chandler


You can carry us with you a number of ways. Listen via #Anchor, #Googleplay, #Spotify, #RadioPublic, #PodcastCasts or other Podcast Apps. If you have an iPhone, locate the #ApplePodcast icon on the home screen, search ‘The Unshakeable Woman’ and hit the ‘Subscribe’ button.

Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW on Instagram.


Join us and check out our UnshakeableWoman movement!

Want to be on the Podcast? Send an email to

#tellyourstory and encourage other women with your story, wearing our fun apparel


Starting January 6, each week we will profile (1) one story and (1) one woman artist.


Special thanks to my Mother, my large sister network in Valencia, Los Angeles and Atlanta, my ‘girly Wooten’ cousins, my ministry sisters, my vision planning/strategy sisters and my daily go-to accountable sister that ‘checks me’, when I need it most. In addition, thank you to my new ministry home, Higher Vision.

“May the tears you cried in 2019, water the seeds you’re planting for 2020.” - Author, Unknown


Encourage others with your testimony…. And #tellyourstory!

Keep connected for news about the #newbook in 2020.










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